CRV LEVULOSE/Fructose is a six-carbon monosaccharide, which is the sweetest of all sugars. It is very soluble in water and is often used as a liquid sweetener. In its pure form, it has a melting temperature form 95-105 °C and a molecular weight of 180. The pH values of most corn syrups are in the range of 4.5 to 5.5. Lower pH values are considered more effective in maintaining color stability during lengthy corn syrup storage periods but are balanced to prevent reaction with metal packaging. Large amount of protein contributes to the “water-white” color of HFCS. It’s presence in corn syrup cause the non-enzymatic browning to occur.


Regardless of the raw materials, the main difference between HFCS and the preparation of invert sugar as practiced by some industries is time and money. Sugar, which is commonly known as sucrose is the mother material from which the invert sugar is made. Another important factor governing the development of invert sugar was the time required to evaporate the abnormally large quantity of water. Highly refined strong sugar would require large amounts of water and longer cooking time to produce an invert sugar. To prepare an invert sugar sample, mix 100 grams of refined sugar, 44 grams of water and 30 ml of commercial hydrochloric acid or 50 ml of tartaric acid. Heat for 30-35 minutes at 190 F.


Aside from their different sources of raw materials, chemical structures and their manufacturing processes, physical properties and cost should be considered. Sucrose easily crystallize, the size of sucrose grain or crystal will influence the speed in dissolving, but not the amount of sugar that can be dissolved air a given a given amount of water. One pound of water will dissolve two pounds of sucrose (granulated or powdered) at a temperature of 63 oF. This represents the full amount of sucrose that a pound of water will dissolve at a given temperature.


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